Santa Barbara Wellness Directory
Transformational Life Counseling in Santa Barbara

Life Counseling in Santa Barbara

Michael H. Kreitsek, MA
Transpersonal Counseling Psychology
Counseling from a Buddhist Perspective

Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Phone: 805-698-0286


Counseling from a Buddhist Perspective

Helping you navigate the uncertainty of our post-pandemic world

Working with people is my passion.

People often ask what I mean by “counseling from a Buddhist perspective”.
I myself have been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism for over 25 years and began meditating more than 40 years ago. I draw on this experience as I meet each person where they are, honoring their path so they can more authentically be who they are with greater awareness.

I received my clinical graduate training from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. This training specifically included working with spiritual practice and meditation to support the growth of my clients. However, my work is never to impose a spiritual practice. That is always for my clients to decide.

Beyond all this, my most important work is to help people become more consistently aware. By doing this their lives are less limited and richer with possibility.

Each time I meet a new client I feel the privilege of opening to who they are in the moment.
I help them wake up to the habitual patterns that automatically run their lives and limit their ability to directly experience life.

My 40 years of experience working with people and as a meditator, allows me hold up the clear mirror of skill and compassion to give my clients real experiences they can use in their daily lives to feel more connected to themselves and the world around them. I also show them how to let go of self-judgment and criticism so they can learn to truly love themselves, no matter what their past has been like.

By increasing their awareness in an atmosphere of support my clients become more responsive and less reactional in the face of challenge and conflict.

For those who have a spiritual or meditation practice I help them to integrate their practice into all aspects of their life. I have found that this is a common issue that is seldom addressed in the therapeutic setting.

The duration of my work depends on my client’s needs. For some it is only a session or two. My purpose is to help, not to create a social hour. If I cannot be of help, I let my clients know.

Here are just some of the many client needs I may address:

Relationship ~ This is broad and truly escapes no one. Here, developing a greater ability to stay connected in the midst of conflict is an essential tool.

Grief and Loss ~ Again, we will all face this at some point. My experience with death and dying, as well as deep loss is a pool I draw from to soothe the unbearable pain of change.

Spiritual Issues ~ As I mentioned earlier, here I help to guide my clients to deal with the inevitable challenges of cultivating and maintaining a spiritual practice in our uncertain times.

Occupation and Career ~ Here I help my clients to gain clarity of purpose and doing in their lives. This includes changes in career due to unexpected circumstances.

Major Life Transitions ~ This is where many people come in to see me. We address the crossroads of uncertainty. I help people here to see and feel beyond the crisis and into the real possibilities being presented.

Communication ~ This is such a foundational issue. I help people to listen and be heard in new and more functional ways that cut through old habitual patterns.

Meditation ~ I point this out separately for those who wish to cultivate a meditation practice and the needed support to do so effectively.

Anxiety ~ Ah yes! Anxiety is on the rise today. The core issue is a deep dis-connect that limits so much of life. I teach my clients techniques and methods that are simple and reliable.

Conflict ~ I name conflict specifically because most of us do whatever we can to avoid it! However, conflict is always asking us to pay attention. I work with my clients experientially so they can be skillful in the inevitable face of conflict wherever it arises.

If you would like to schedule an appointment or to get more information call me.
Leave me a message and I will get back to you promptly. My number is 805-698-0286.
I really look forward to meeting you.

~ Namaste ~

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Santa Barbara Wellness Directory
Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ~ 805-722-5729

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