Santa Barbara Wellness Directory
Christina Fior
Hand and Handwriting Analyst ~ Intuitive Counselor

Hand and Handwriting Analyst, and Intuitive Counselor in Santa Barbara, Christina Fior
Christina’s connection with the hands was born out of curiosity for the hand-brain connection, our inner blueprint and the manner in which our lives unfold. She strongly believes that lasting health and vitality begins with understanding one's current life patterns and life responses, and forging new neuropathways to shed destructive behaviors and empower the individual in making life-enhancing choices.

Christina has been a practitioner of ancient mysticism and the healing arts for over 30 years. Her innate intuitive abilities along with her developed skills as a hand reader, handwriting analyst and counselor began in 1995. In addition to receiving mentorship, she extensively studied numerous ancient and contemporary texts on the science of palmistry and has read hundreds of hands throughout the years. As a handwriting analyst, she has studied both with the International Graphoanalysis Institute and Handwriting University. She continues to be sought after for private consultations and planned events.

With an added focus on wellness, Christina is Certified as a Yoga Instructor, Theta Healing Practitioner, Shiatsu Therapist, Licensed Esthetician, and has an extensive background in the development of preventative healthcare programs.

The Ancient Science of Palm Analysis

Palmistry’s (hand analysis) earliest known use was by the ancient Vedic practitioners in India. It was also considered to have been inspired by Hermes, the ancient Greek God of prophecy and the great Greek philosopher Aristotle. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance palmistry reached a high point of popularity.

Palmistry was a respected medium by royalty and commoners alike for divining the future, diagnosing health and providing wise counsel to individuals. When “the age of reason” and modern medicine entered the scene, public interest in palmistry slowly diminished and its integrity as an art was kept alive by a mysterious nomadic group called Gypsies.

Today, palmistry is being rediscovered as a valuable tool for intuitive counseling and personal development. By reading the palm, one can interpret the code of the personal blueprint originated from impulses in the brain at birth, and the pattern of one’s destiny based on life choices.

Handwriting and the Power of the Pen

Throughout history, handwriting analysis has been a respected science and continues to be widely used by professionals for investigative study, executive hiring, and psychological counseling. Interpreting character traits found in one’s writing can provide a basis for knowing an individual’s personality more deeply.

Esoterically, it is believed that handwriting too, is delivered by brain impulses combined with the intuition of the heart. Therefore, the use of handwriting analysis and modification exercises can be useful tools for personal transformation and self-realization.

Palmistry and handwriting analysis are holistic compliments for aiding the process of understanding one’s life journey.

For an Individual Consultation or Planned Event

Contact Christina at
805-252-4490 ~

Also please visit Christina's website at

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Santa Barbara Wellness Directory
Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ~ 805-722-5729

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